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HealthDocs NIOH Integration Module

NIOH Integration Module
The HealthDocs platform is integrated to the National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH) so that clients can be fully compliant with government regulations that require the submission of a range of Covid-19 related reports.
On 01 October the Department of Employment and Labour released new regulations for the prevention and combat of the spreading of Covid-19 in certain workplaces entitled "Consolidated directions on occupational health and safety measures in certain workplaces". In lieu hereof, HealthDocs has developed 2 (two) NIOH reporting options to assist companies with 50 or more employees to comply with the new regulations. The first option is a free .CSV format option that will allow companies to pull their reports from the HealthDocs DCP platform and upload the reports manually to NIOH via the Nextcloud platform. The second option is a fully integrated electronic submission service utilising a comprehensive system integration that has been completed between HealthDocs and NIOH. This option is a paid service and will automatically manage the NIOH reporting requirements on behalf of the organisation and send you an email confirmation of submission.
In order to submit the required reports, each organisation with 50 or more employees is required to register with the NIOH via the following URL - https://ohss.nioh.ac.za/Register. Should you choose to utilise the HealthDocs integrated electronic service, please select "API integration" as the preferred data submission process and provide HealthDocs with your Business ID number received from the NIOH via email after registration. HealthDocs will then manage your organisations' reporting process seamlessly through its integration with the NIOH.
Should you wish to submit your reports manually using the .CSV format, please select "CSV via Nextcloud" as the preferred data submission process when registering with the NIOH. The NIOH will then liaise with your IT department to discuss the Nextcloud registration and submission process.