HealthDocs Products
HealthDocs Products and Modules
HealthDocs has developed a number of innovative products and modules that deliver solutions to a number of industry sectors.
Please select from the links hereunder to find out more.
1. HealthDocs for Medical Practices
a. HealthDocs Online Booking Module
b. HealthDocs Task Workflow Module
c. HealthDocs Messaging Module
d. HealthDocs Medico-Legal Module
3. HealthDocs for Corporations & Event Management Companies
a. HealthDocs Covid-19 Corporate Compliance Module
b. HealthDocs Communication Module
c. HealthDocs Calendar and Event Management Module
d. HealthDocs Questionnaire Module
e. HealthDocs Document Sharing Module
f. HealthDocs Media Sharing Module
g. HealthDocs Disease Management Module
h. HealthDocs Vaccination Management Module
i. HealthDocs National Institute for Occupational Health Module
j. HealthDocs Department of Health Module
k. HealthDocs Covid-19 Event Management Module
4. HealthDocs for Pharmaceutical Organisations