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Take control of your health

HealthDocs for Patients 

HealthDocs Patient Ecosystem - People.png

The patient application shares elements of HealthDocs Practice and drives a process of co-creating better health outcomes between patients and their doctors.


The application provides behavioural clinical data in addition to traditional clinical data and allows the patient to share clinical notes, photos and other relevant medical records with the doctor. Scripts, pathology, sick notes and clinical notes are shared between doctors and patients, thereby reducing malpractice risk, unnecessary medical costs and improving transparency and value to the patient.

The application also provides a secure platform that enables patients to lodge complaints about healthcare services received. This ensures that complaints are addressed quickly and efficiently to the benefit of both the patient and the medical practitioner.

The app will also allow for online appointment booking, value added products and services and the ability to pay patient liable invoices etc.​

HealthDocs for Patients application is free of charge to all patients

The HealthDocs Patient application consists of the following components:
  1. Creation and maintenance of your clinical record

  2. Tracking of clinical metrics

  3. Secure digitisation of medical documents

  4. Secure digitisation of important personal documents

  5. Online appointment bookings with reminders

  6. Effortless onboarding of new patients

  7. Clinical reminders and push notifications on important events

  8. Disease management programmes

  9. Covid-19 Daily Monitoring and Tracking Tool

  10. Vaccination Manager and Virtual Vaccination Card

  11. Medication Tracker with reminders

  12. Period Tracker

  13. Pregnancy Tracker

  14. Custom Checklists and Reminders

  15. Questionnaires/ Surveys

  16. ePharmacy

  17. Secure authorised bilateral sharing of information and documents between patient and authorised practices utilising the HealthDocs Practice application

  18. Secure authorised bilateral sharing of information and documents between patient and authorised organisations utilising the HealthDocs Wellness & Disease Control Platform (DCP)

  19. Patient Education

  20. Email functionality

  21. Integrated payment technology

  22. Secured Mobile phone and tablet application for use on iOS, Android and Huawei devices

  23. Secured web application for use on major internet browsers

  24. POPI compliant with full integrated consent

  25. Secure hosting of electronic records including 50mb of storage space

  26. Daily backups of HealthDocs records

Available for Apple, Android and Huawei devices

Take control of your health!

Download HealthDocs now!


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